Welcome to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

We, the people of Holy Redeemer Church, believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in the real Presence of Christ, Our Lord in the Eucharist. We are a community that prays together, and we give of our time, talent and treasure. We seek to be good examples of Christian living by loving one another as Christ loves us, and by placing high values on family life. We believe all human life has value from beginning to end. We see our parish as a family which includes the unborn, youth, singles, single parents, married, married parents, divorced, separated, widowed and seniors. Because we see Christ in others, we seek out and welcome ALL people.

Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church

Covid-19 Precautions at Church

Diocesan Requirement for Returning to Mass

  • The faithful are obliged to wear a mask (or other face covering) upon entering the church and during the celebration of the Mass, except for the brief moment of the reception of Holy Communion.

  • Singing will be limited to the Organist to prevent germ spreading at this time.

  • Social distancing will be observed. Family members may sit together but are required to maintain six feet of distance between other households at all times. 

  • Pews are reserved for the disabled and their families in the front of church & at the cross aisles of church. Please be considerate of those with special needs.

  • Two pews distance will be required for seating in the congregation. Please sit in the open pews ONLY.

  • For the health and safety of all, reception of Holy Communion is expected in the hand.

  • The Offertory Collection will be at the end of Mass when ministers will be holding baskets where you may place your collection envelopes.

  • Please follow directions posted when lighting candles for your safety.




Join us on FORMED.ORG!  Formed is a subscription service offering access to thousands of Catholic studies, film and ebooks from many different Catholic content producers like Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, USCCB, EWTN and more….

How do I subscribe?

Go to holyredeemercleveland.formed.org  and click on register now!

You will be prompted to give your email address and create a password so that you can access all the great programs and resources that formed has to offer!

You can choose a STUDY featuring all different sources for all ages, you can WATCH movies and videos with Catholic content, you can LISTEN to audio books, talks and podcasts to enrich your faith, and you can READ and download books to your computer or Kindle device. 

There is so much to discover and decide what YOU are interested in so that you can strengthen and grow in your faith!  If we find a few people are interested in the same topic we can do a study group together; we could host a movie night; we could listen to an audio drama together; we could have a book study for men or women. What would you like to do? Email us at holyredeemerparish@gmail.com and let us know!


Mass Times

Saturday (Vigil) 4PM
Sunday: 10:30AM
Daily Mass: 8:00AM
Holy Days: 8AM & 7PM
Confessions Saturday 3-3:30PM. Call for an appointment.


  • Sun, Oct 20th

  • Sun, Oct 13th

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 10AM - 3PM & By Appointment





There are no upcoming scheduled events.